Online Price
Boys ¥3000
Girls ¥1500

Door Price
Boys ¥3500
Girls ¥2000

メモリアル・デイ パーティー!(土)

Saturday, 5/25•7:00 pm

I hope you're all ready to kickoff an unofficial start to summer with our MEMORIAL DAY party!! Unlike the States,we won't be having any BBQ or having a huge grillout, BUT we'll have tonsss of booze for you all! Come wearing some RED, WHITE and BLUE to show some 'merican pride!

夏はすぐそこ!アメリカの祝日 メモリアルデー. この日はパーティーをする家庭も多いが、パブクロールではいつもの2倍飲んで遊びまくる予定さ!アメリカンの気分で赤、白、青を着てきてね!

Admission is free into the club HOWEVER you must buy one 800yen drink ticket in advance upon entry


• ENTRANCE to 3 - 4 bars including a club
• FIRST SHOT 45 minutes after event begins
• WELCOME SHOTS as we enter each bar
• UNLIMITED bottle shots between bars
• DRINK DISCOUNTS Exclusive for pub crawlers
• CHANCE TO WIN free drinks with games
• PHOTOS of the event, uploaded monday
• Link to Photos on Facebook


•各バーで1つのウェルカムショット がもらえます
•バーとバーの間に無制限ショット があります


• Please bring any valid government ID with birth date. (Only bring Passport if you don’t have an ID)
• No shorts, sleeveless shirts, flip-flops, sandals (guys)
• No track pants or sweatpants

ドレスコード/ 内容

• クラブに入るために必ずIDを持ってきて下さい!
• 短パン、袖のないシャツ、flip-flops、サンダル
• スウェットパンツ, トラックパンツは禁止
• 日本でお酒が飲めるのは20歳からです


Starting Location

Bar Propaganda

Search Tokyo Pub Crawl on Google Maps

Pub Crawl Handbook (About the Bars)

Bar 1  (6:30pm ~ 8:10pm)

Usually a relaxed cafe or bar restaurant with space to sit down. Good environment for talking and getting to know each other. We will be doing a mixer/icebreaker here, so get ready to mingle! First shot will be handed out and done as a group. For those who are really thirsty, you'll have a chance to win a free drink right away.

Bar 2  (8:10pm ~ 9:20pm)

We try to heat things up a bit at the second bar, with a little more music and exciting feel. You'll have plenty of chances to get to know your fellow pub crawlers even more, as we kick-off our games and activities. By games and activities, we mean more chances to win free drinks. Hint: Hangout near the DJ booth for a head start on free drink contests.

Bar 3  (9:20pm ~ 10:30pm)

By now, the crowd has loosened up and inhibitions are flying out the window! At the 3rd bar, you'll have space to dance and the music will be bumpin'. If need be, finding a table to sit down and chat shouldn't be a problem. The games and contests continue here, so best to follow the crowd if you're looking to get in on the action. Getting in the action means free drinks. Are you sensing the theme here?

Bar 4 / The Club  (10:30pm ~ close)

If you haven't found yourself on the dance floor by now, you'll be hard pressed not to do so at our last stop - a dance club! And why not?

PRO TIP: Stay ALL NIGHT! The club will be open until 5am. The locals start arriving around 1:00am or so. So of things look a little empty, hang around a bit and give it a shot.

NOTE: The Tokyo pub crawl officially ends at 11:45pm, providing you plenty of time to catch your last train. Although if there is an after party, and there often is, you bet you're invited! If you have any questions about train schedules, ask the pub crawl staff.


Bar 1  (7:00pm ~ 8:10pm)

待ち合わせ場所、キックオフ、ショット#1 リラックスな雰囲気のバーで初めましての人たちと交流。 グループで仲良くなれるゲームも用意しているのでシャイな君も友達を作れます。ウェルカムショットはみんなで乾杯!ゲームに勝った人には無料ドリンクをプレゼント!

Bar 2  (8:10pm ~ 9:20pm)

アクティビティ、ウェルカムショット#2. ノリのいい音楽で新しい仲間と盛り上がろう!もっと沢山の人と話して仲良くなれるようスタッフもフォローします。ここでもゲームで勝った人には無料ドリンクを用意しています。

Bar 3  (9:20pm ~ 10:30pm)

ゲーム、ダンス、ウェルカムショット #3   音楽もヒートアップ!ダンスフロアで踊りだそう!ゲームで歌ったり踊ったり、お酒も回っていい気分♪

Bar 4 / クラブ  (10:30pm ~ close)

ウェルカムショット#4、踊り狂って! 最後はみんなで一気にクラブへ向かいます!クラブが初めての人も、みんなで行けば怖くない! パブクロールイベントは11時半までなので終電で帰るもよし、朝までオールナイトもよし!